DS II mainsheet rigging trouble.

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DS II mainsheet rigging trouble.

Postby EHarrison » Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:29 am

KC, I will try to post pictures tonight; don't know how effective it will be because I have slow internet.

Green Lake, so if I understand correctly, in a step by step process, I would take the mainsheet attach it to the becket at the end of the boom, down thread it through the traveler so that when the sheet comes out of the traveler block it is heading towards the stern. (This the part I don't quite understand). Then I go back up to the block where the becket is attached, through it, heading straight down the boom, then through the pulley attached to the boom above the aft end of the centerboard, down through through the pulley attached the centerboard and finely through cam cleat. Correct?
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Postby GreenLake » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:55 pm


here's a detail of the traveler setup and the end of the boom. The bottom block happens to be (unnecessarily) also a becket block. Don't know why it's twisted like that in the picture - that was a few years ago.


As for the rest of your description, that's precisely it (only that these "pulleys" are usually called "blocks" when they are on a sailboat).

I think you've got it.

Now the block on the boom above the CB trunk (not on my pic) is a ratchet block on my boat. And K.C. also made one of the blocks in the back a ratchet block. That's an (optional) refinement that allows you to hold the main more easily in higher winds without cleating it it. I sailed a few years without that upgrade, but now I enjoy it.
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Postby Salty Dog » Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:54 pm

I have a larger boat with a mainsheet traveler. It is car on a track with lines at each end that can be cleated for adjustment. I havs a DSII that have a mid boom main sheet w/ no traveler. after reading this post I think I may try the end boom option w/ the triagle traveler. My question is how do you adjust the traveler. I see the one cleat in the middle but I can't see where that would do it. I guess i'm just missing something here. thanks
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Postby GreenLake » Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:35 pm

My traveler setup is copied from Phill Root's Rigging Guide (See "Technical Info" at the top of the page). In that setup, the triangle is a fixed size and has a knot (with a small loop) in the middle of the bottom leg.

That loop can be hooked over a hook at which point the triangle is fixed, or it can be unhooked, at which point the triangle can move to allow the apex to move all the way to either side.

The latter setting is used for downwind (where it is a matter of convenience not trim).

One common alternate of that design has two small blocks close together in the middle of the deck. The triangle is knotted together between these two blocks and a short line is attached to the knot.

With that line you pull the knot forward - that shortens the triangle, so you can adjust its height underway. The cleat would be for the short line.

Here is someone else's picture of such a setup.

I have that setup on another boat. I wish I could tell you whether the ability to adjust the height of the triangle is crucial, but I can't. The hardware required isn't very much, so if in doubt, just rig it adjustable, even if you later end up leaving it at a fixed position.

I definitely would use the lightest line I could find for the triangle, if I had to do it again. What I show in my picture is a case of using a left-over piece of line that came handy....
Last edited by GreenLake on Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Salty Dog » Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:59 pm


So the loop is easy to unhook under a load? I was looking at the picture in the second post of this topic. do you think he has the same set up ?
I guess the triangle would be the only option for a travler at the back due to the tiller coming over the transome. I see what you mean about convienance. I was just thinking about a multible position adjustible traveler but I guess that would not be nesseary.
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Postby GreenLake » Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:18 pm

You can always unload the triangle by letting out some mainsheet (temporarily). Also, it's unhooked for downwind use, loads at that point of sail tend to be less. (And, I've never had an issue with this in practice. It's easy to forget to unhook it, but not a huge problem, just means you run out more main).
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