DSII Original Weight?

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DSII Original Weight?

Postby Guest » Sun Dec 31, 2000 11:40 am

I had my 'mighty' '74 DS II weighted in last spring and it tipped the scales at more than 720 pounds! No, it was totally dry at the time, and I left the anchor and outboard off during the event. Does anyone know what the original, out-of-the-factory weight for a DSS II was? Before I start cutting holes in the seat looking for water soaked material, it would be good to know if it always been obese or just grew over time. Any information would be much appreciated!

Joe Fram (jofram-at-zeus.kern.org)

Postby Guest » Wed Jan 03, 2001 12:48 pm

The original weight of a Day Sailer is about 575#. This is also the class minimum weight, in racing trim.
There is not much that will absorb water in a DS II, are you sure that you drained all the water out? Does the boat sit level in the water? One thing to check, the DS II retains a small portion of the forward bulkhead from the DS I, and this could hold a few gallons up in the bow....but not 200# worth!
Keep us up to date on what you find!

Rod Johnson (rjohnson24-at-juno.com)

Postby Guest » Sat Mar 31, 2001 3:36 pm

I have a DS II from Bangor Punta, 1980 vintage, and I have a suggestion... When I first bought the boat (very used) I was pleased to find that after a day of sailing very little water came out of the transom drain hole. BUT I was later able to hear a "sloshing sound" when I tipped the boat on the trailer. By opening the inspection ports I saw I had several gallons on board. The problem was that the transom drain was not cleared all the way to the inside hull. I had to get LONG 3/16" drill bit and carefully ream out through the drain hole until I hit water. I imagine that the path under the deck is very narrow and whatever materials are there had choked up with junk. Maybe you should check this out.

Bob Cramer (RJCramer10-at-aol.com)

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