
Topics primarily or specifically about the DS2. Many topics are of general interest, so please use forum sections on Rigging, Sails, etc. where appropriate.

Moderator: GreenLake


Postby Guest » Sun Sep 30, 2001 7:12 am

I just bought a 69 DSII. I've been reading some of the problems that others have had with their centerboards, but I'm having trouble understanding the cabling system because I don't think my boat works this way. I have a lever on the starboard side of my trunk that I believe operates the centerboard. Does this handle work some kind of cabling system? Also, interested in obtaining an owners manual for the boat. Thanks in advance for your help.

Robert Tear (

Postby Guest » Sun Sep 30, 2001 8:49 pm

Well, for one have a Day Sailer I, the DS II was not introduced until 1971 as I recall. All the Day Sailer I (DS I) boats had lever operated centerboards, no wires. In some ways I would prefer the lever-operated board, that was what I had on my old Widgeon and it was a heck of a lot easier to remove the board for painting. When O'Day introduced the DS II (DS I was still built) they could not longer use the lever-operated CB since the self-bailing cockpit gets in the way. So, the cable-operated system was used, instead. The DS II has a molded-in cockpit, the DS I has a deck and the seats are wooden or fiberglass and attached to flotation tanks seperate from the deck. The DS I has an afterdeck across the stern, the DS II cockpit extends all the way to the stern.

Rod Johnson, "SUNBIRD" (

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