Searching on this site

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Searching on this site

Postby hectoretc » Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:57 pm

Greetings all,
Sorry... a long lead up to the actual question...

After seeing a number of photo's on this site of jdoorly's "Desperado" with it's A frame, Pulpit and Sprit combination, I did as I always do when I see something interesting, I google it. Searching for "pulpit daysailer" on Google, I found a link back to this site, under the DSII Only section where someone was asking about how to make or install a pulpit on a Daysailer. I read a bit, but got distracted and had to exit. I tried to come back in through the forum later on, but couldn't find it. I used the search function and searched for "pulpit" with no luck. I finally went back out to google, repeated my search, found the posting, and back stepped to find it on Page 10 of the DSII only topics under "bow pulpit and life lines". Does anyone know if there is a back-date limitation to the search on this site?

DS #6127 - Breakin' Wind - From the land of 10,000 lakes, which spend 80% of the year frozen it seems...
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Postby Scott Mulford » Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:10 pm

Search doesn't work for me either. I get around it by using "search text" in google.
Scott Mulford
Posts: 42
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:48 pm

Postby GreenLake » Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:58 pm

The search functions of most forum software isn't as powerful as that of the major search engines. They tend to be OK with single word searches, but I've never had success with multiple search terms. Therefore, I usually do the same thing as Scott.
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Postby hectoretc » Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:11 am

Thanks guys,

I did not know about the "site:" search feature on Google. (always learning something new).

Just tried it and it works great.

Thanks again!
DS #6127 - Breakin' Wind - From the land of 10,000 lakes, which spend 80% of the year frozen it seems...
Posts: 295
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Location: Minneapolis MN

Re: Searching on this site

Postby GreenLake » Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:17 pm

Searching for images is possible, the access is a bit hidden (and the forum internal search works best with single words).

To search images: go to the gallery. Near the top of the page, on the right hand side, part way down is the word "Search" (next to "Mark albums read").

If you click on the word "Search", you get a search dialog, and you can enter words like "spinnaker".
(Do NOT use the "Search...." box in the blue banner; that one is for forum posts only.)

From what I can tell, the search looks for both words in the "image name" and the "comment" section for the given image.

Here's a direct link to the search page for the gallery: As you can see, it allows you to limit the search to a particular user's images.

Here's the search results that are pulled up when you search for "spinnaker":

If people leave the image name the same as their local file name (for example "DSC 0138 640x480") and do not enter a description, then the search has nothing to go by; however, I easily found about 20 images related to spinnakers. If you have anything in your galleries that you think is useful for others, make sure to use a keyword as part of the image name and add a short description in the comment. (Looks like you can edit name and description for existing images as well - haven't actually tested whether it saves them to the same index number, but would expect so).

Note it's not possible to search for "DSII rigging" and expect to get reasonable results. However, "Rigging" by itself gets about 2 dozen hits, some more useful than others.
~ green ~ lake ~ ~
Posts: 7178
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