Ice cream run

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Moderator: GreenLake

Re: Pictures

Postby GreenLake » Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:49 pm

“Crossing the inter-island passage finally gave us weak but fairly steady wind”
P1080741-c1_1200.jpg (79.79 KiB) Viewed 5368 times
~ green ~ lake ~ ~
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Re: Ice cream run

Postby tomodda » Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:39 pm

Very much enjoyed your ice cream tales! Post season? You're so far North, my favorite season (Fall time!) is just starting. I'll be sailing till Thanksgiving, starting with a week on the Chesapeake with my son. Going up to Virginia next Saturday, can't wait!
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Re: Ice cream run

Postby GreenLake » Mon Sep 13, 2021 11:33 pm

tomodda wrote:Very much enjoyed your ice cream tales! Post season?

My season isn't over because of lack of sailing opportunities, but because the boat capsized on the lawn --- and the stuff needed to be fixed on boat and trailer is taking way longer than planned, so by the time that's all done, and the boat can be put back on the trailer I may well park it for a bit to do other stuff.

Glad you enjoyed the tale.
~ green ~ lake ~ ~
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Re: Ice cream run

Postby ArchSail » Fri Sep 17, 2021 4:52 pm

Really enjoyed hearing about the ice cream run. I essentially sail on an overgrown natural bathtub and don’t have the challenges of tides, currents, or even power boats. It’s fascinating to read about what nature can throw one’s way and the methods used to overcome said obstacles. I think the most intimidating vessels, on our local water, belong to the rowing club. We do have some lovely downdrafts from the amateur helicopter pilots practicing at the neighboring airport. However, that is child’s play compared to what you all face on big water.
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Re: Ice cream run

Postby GreenLake » Sat Sep 18, 2021 1:21 am

Some of the wakes look like they are several feet high, but when you view them, it's the distance from trough to crest and not even the vertical distance but you would be looking down a bit. Makes them look taller than they would from shore; not quite sure by how much. From shore one tends to view the vertical distance from average water level to crest, except when looking at a breaking wave close to shore when you can't see the average water level behind it.

Unless they are very choppy, the DS tends to put them away, even if they hit you stern on. (However, if swell or wakes hit you from the stern quarter they'll momentarily push the boat to a different angle, that can upset your sail trim, including causing a gybe).

Worst I ever saw was on a Lake after a big on-the-water event; there were so many motorboats rushing home that wakes criss-crossed and it felt more like a roller-coaster. Had there been a bit more wind. we could have simply headed upwind a bit (where the sails act as a stabilizing force).

On the ice cream run, we observed one powerboat slowing down as they passed us - despite passing us at a considerable distance. We could see no other reason than that they wanted to limit their wake. Now that's considerate!
~ green ~ lake ~ ~
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Re: more pictures

Postby GreenLake » Sat May 13, 2023 7:04 pm

"The wind had died, with some finality: the entire stretch of the return was a solid sheet of glass."

Calm.jpg (78.47 KiB) Viewed 3778 times

"It was lively enough, that we didn't sail wing-on-wing and risk an unplanned gybe."

sunset.jpg (165.95 KiB) Viewed 3778 times
~ green ~ lake ~ ~
Posts: 7208
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