Day Sailer 1 Boom Vang ratio ?

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Moderator: GreenLake

Day Sailer 1 Boom Vang ratio ?

Postby RockyStyer » Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:48 pm

New Day Sailer 1 owner: What is the recommended Boom Vang ratio 3:1 ?
My old Day Sailer 1 did not come with a boom vang from the Mast to the Boom.
D and R Marine has a Boom Vang Kit , with every thing IO would need to set my boat up, but the ratio is 3:1 - Is this the correct ratio?
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Re: Day Sailer 1 Boom Vang ratio ?

Postby GreenLake » Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:13 am

I'd recommend 12:1 at least. There are many discussions here, so a search would be useful. Here's just one of the more recent ones:

In brief, with a stronger vang you can use it upwind, where it will help you keep your main flat (depowered) when letting out the main.

That improves your gust response.

Briefly discussed here
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